The purpose of this section is to show a collection of video-essays that I consider could be useful and interesting to anybody. They don’t follow any particular order. Although I think there are strong links between various videos and together they display a stronger message, each one of them can be perfectly watched independently.


- Gabriel Zucman on wealth inequality
- Psychology of irrational decision making
- Thomas Piketty on wealth and income inequality
- How income taxes work
- Some insight on globalization
- Esther Duflo on fighting poverty
- History of exchange: The silk road
- Hotelling, competition that doesn’t lead to a social optimum
- Richard Wilkinson on inequality and its interesting correlations
- Basics: The value of a dollar
- Joseph Stiglitz, some facts and the ethics of institutions
- Cesar Hidalgo on economic complexity
- Paul Krugman on the economics of happiness and unemployment
- Robert Solow and Paul Krugman commenting Anthony Atkinson’s book (long)
- Why poor places are more diverse
- The hidden cost of meat


- Exponential growth and epidemics

- Simulating epidemics [Bonus: how soap kills the coronavirus]
- Bayes theorem, intuitively
- Randomness is not what we think

- 4,669 and population’s growth
- Euler’s Number
- Collatz conjecture
- Euler-Mascheroni constant
- Simpson’s paradox: How statistics can be missleading
- The Magic of triangles
- Benoit Mandelbrot on measuring roughness
- More on Fractacls and realist mathematics
- Mathematics of Crime and Terrorism
- The opposite of infinity, pi and derivatives
- What’s wrong on how we teach Mathematics
- Pascal’s triangle
- Zero is a special number
- Cedric Villiani on Nash (long)
- Fibonacci and the golden ratio
- Lucas numbers
- The map of Mathematics
- Intuition behind irrational numbers
- History of numerical systems


- Gravitational waves!
- A really brief History of Everything
- The map of Physics
- Entropy and time
- Black holes
- On the very nature of speed and acceleration </>
- The orbit of satelites and Lagrange points
- How do we know the composition of other planet’s atmospheres?
- Neutron stars
- The Standard model
- What is matter?
- Einstein: Light as a particle
- When you look at the night sky
- Putting the size of an atom in perspective
- What is the Higgs Boson?
- The Higgs Field
- Looking for the Higgs Boson
- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (2)
- What is light?

Big History

- Big time perspective
- How evolution works
- Human origins
- Why I live in year 12.017
- How to picture Earth’s history


- Who am I?
- Utilitarianism
- L’utilitarisme classique (French)
- John Stuart Mill: De la liberté (French)
- John Rawls (French)
- Amartya Sen: Repenser l’inégalité (French)
- Anarchisme social: Proudhon, Bakounine et Kropotkine (French)
- Anarchisme individualiste: Stirner, Tucker, Spooner (French)
- L’ideologie chez Marx (French)
- Le néoliberalisme (French)
- Michel Foucault: Surveiller et punir (French)
- Claude Lévi-Strauss: Race et histoire (French)
- Individuality
- Did we invent or discover Mathematics?
- What is information?
- Ethics: the trolley problem
- Basics: Popper’s theory of scientific knowledge

The planet and its ecosystems

- Alexander von Humboldt
- Who do flowers seduce?
- How plate tectonics actually work
- Should we save pandas?
- Why do deserts exist?
- Richard Dawkins on evolutionary stable trategies
- The secret life of plants
- Poor places are more diverse
- The animal kingdom, or the realm of the unfaithful
- Why sand is all the same
- Biggest living organism
- Draining the deep seas

History of people and civilizations

- Cleopatra
- French revolution
- Ghengis Khan
- History of marriage
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- The Encyclopedia
- Christopher Colombus