I’m a researcher in public economics based in the Paris School of Economics. I’m the coordinator for Latin America at the World Inequality Database and the data architect for the GC Wealth Project. I also work as a consultant for UN-ECLAC to improve Latin American distributional statistics. I’m one of the co-directors of Centro Contribuye, a hub for tax-related studies in Latin America. Before, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Stone Center in the City University of New York and before that I worked at INSEAD.

My research focuses mainly on the historical evolution of wealth and income concentration, with particular interest on how inequality affects resilience to climate change. I’m also interested in taxation and how inequality interacts with the political sphere and institutions.

Most of the code and data that I use and produce is publicly available in my GitHub profile. You can also check my CV, and my Google Scholar and ORCID profiles too.

You can contact me at

Or sending a pigeon to 48 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris.